Birthdays and Anniversaries

I love helping local residents celebrate significant milestone birthdays and anniversaries. Do you or someone you know have a significant birthday or wedding anniversary coming up?

Make sure you get in touch with my office on 8374 1939 or at and we’ll walk you through the steps of requesting a letter from the Premier, Prime Minister, Governor, Governor-General and even His Majesty The King!
- Plus, if you live in Elder you may just get a visit from me!

Milestones eligible for congratulatory messages

Premier of South Australia
Birthdays | 90th and every fifth year thereafter
Wedding Anniversaries | 50th, 60th and every fifth year thereafter

Prime Minister of Australia
Birthdays | 90th and every year thereafter
Wedding Anniversaries | 50th and every year thereafter

Governor of South Australia
Birthdays | 100th and every fifth year thereafter
Wedding Anniversaries | 50th, 60th and every fifth year thereafter

Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
Birthdays | 100th, 105th and subsequent birthdays
Wedding Anniversaries | 50th, 60th, 65th, 70th and subsequent anniversaries

His Majesty The King
Birthdays | 100th, 105th and subsequent birthdays
Wedding Anniversaries | 60th, 65th, 70th and subsequent anniversaries

Please note:
Congratulatory messages are not sent from His Majesty The King to persons who are not citizens of a Commonwealth country. Each birthday and wedding anniversary milestone requires a separate application (For example, if an application is lodged for a 50th anniversary a new application will need to be lodged for a 60th anniversary and anniversaries thereafter).

It is recommended that requests are made 2 to 6 months prior to the event to allow enough time for processing. Applications received with less than two months’ notice will still be processed, however they may not arrive by the date of the anniversary or birthday. You can request a belated message up to one (1) month after the birthday or wedding anniversary has passed.